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e premte, 29 shkurt 2008

Want to increase wealth? Be comfortable with uncomfortable

"The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable" - T. Harv Eker

People who are always working out in the gym and building their staminas and bodies will always exercise until their body feels the pain. They know that the body only grows when it is stretch beyond its comfortable zone and the pain signifies growth for their muscle. The same thing goes in accumulating wealth. You will never grow your wealth to an astounding limit if you are not willing to leave your comfort zone. By investing your money and taking risk, you will definitely be in the uncomfortable zone. And by being in that zone, the higher percentage it would be for you to outstrectch your wealth to the limit that you dream of.

2 komente:

Sarah tha...

this is such a great post that i felt sad it had to end. i was expecting it to be a bit longer. lol

Razamith tha...

Thanks for reading it. Maybe I can try to post a longer article next time. :)