This story is a story of personal finance, and how you view your life during hard times and good times. Always practised delayed gratification and always be prepared for the bad times as whether you are prepared for it or not, it will happen.
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e premte, 22 gusht 2008
Story of Personal Finance - An Ant and a Grasshopper
A long time ago,in a land far away, lived two insects - an ant and a grasshopper. These two insects have two distinct personalities and also two different habits in life. During the warm summer days, the ant are busy collecting foods and stockpiling it in their nest. The ant view the summer season as an opportunity for it to collect as much food as they want and also preparing the ant for the winter. As for the grasshopper, it have a different view from the ant. It see the summer season as the time to have fun and laid back for a while. "Why worked so hard?", it said to the ant. "Enjoy the summer, because you definitely will not enjoy winter", said the grasshopper as it happily hopping around. The ant ignore the grasshopper and worked hard as ever in stockpiling it nest. Finally, as the days grew shorter and nights longer, winter finally sets in and the ant is comfortably sitting in its nest knowingly that his foodstock can last the whole winter. But unknown to the ant, the grasshopper was freezing above ground, searching for food that was no longer available abundantly during the summer.
This story is a story of personal finance, and how you view your life during hard times and good times. Always practised delayed gratification and always be prepared for the bad times as whether you are prepared for it or not, it will happen.
This story is a story of personal finance, and how you view your life during hard times and good times. Always practised delayed gratification and always be prepared for the bad times as whether you are prepared for it or not, it will happen.
personal finance,
positive mind,
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